AROC - Augmented Reality Operations Center

Virtual ops centers drive increased communication and better decision making.

Enhance situational awareness with a portable, Augmented Reality (AR) command-and-control center application. First responders can interact with intuitive, holographic data for actionable insights and quick response.


Make Data User-Friendly

AROC enables complex information to be easily understood. Everyone can get on the same page sooner, reducing the time and energy to address the emergency at hand.

Accelerate Awareness

  • Train personnel to see the big picture
  • Triage with less mental fatigue
  • Monitor incidents effortlessly
  • Empower effective teamwork

Smart city technology can help cities operate more effectively while improving services to citizens and businesses. Energy efficiency, congestion, emergency response... Every breakthrough saves lives and improves the quality of living. Virtual reality helps communicate the impact of municipal decisions in a way that builds empathy and community engagement.

Major utility companies have algorithms that can detect downed wires with 97% accuracy. Unfortunately, this new sensor network has dramatically increased the surface of attack. Now, a single connected streetlight becomes a vector for cyber-attack on the entire grid. Real-time monitoring of city-scale networks may not be possible with traditional 2D tools, but it's absolutely critical to secure the infrastructure of tomorrow.

City Planning


Show critical information live



Combine multiple data sources



Deploy EOC anytime, anywhere



See data where and when it matters

Call our sales department for a custom quote:

(833) 600-DATA

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